
Spokane Valley Senior Center Line Dance Leader

My spouse and I moved to the Spokane area from Texas in June of 2020 to be closer to family. I began teaching at the Spokane Valley Senior Center in October 2021 when it opened up after Covid. Prior to that, I taught line dance for 10 years at churches and recreation centers in Arlington, Texas, from basic beginner to Intermediate/advanced levels. As a member of the Board of the North Texas Line Dance Association, we sponsored the North Texas Line Dance Classic, a 2 day dance event in Farmers Branch, Texas. It has been a joy to sponsor groups to many line dance events including H.O.T., Texas Line Dance Jamboree, Line Up & Dance, the Vegas Dance Explosion, and a Caribbean Cruise. I have also hosted workshops, taught/led dances at many line dance events, and participated in several flash mobs. I look forward to sharing many more fun years of line dancing here in the Spokane area.


North Spokane Dance Center Line Dance Leader

Annmarie loves to line dance and is always promoting events for us to attend and sending out new dances for us to teach. She leads the Monday night class at the North Spokane Dance Center. She also has a horse and a sailboat that keep her busy when she is not at her full time job. You will recognize her because she is tall and dances in shorts or a skort, probably because of hot flashes. :)


JAMM Coordinator & Western Dance Center Leader

Mary hasn't given me any information to put here so I will make something up. Mary has been line dancing most of her life. She knows dances most of us have never even heard of, if she can just remember how they start. She likes to wear dresses and has a closet full from her working days. She also like cowboy boots. If there is an outdoor event with a band anywhere nearby, Mary will be there dancing, but you won't know who she is so I took her picture so you can recognize her.